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Alberta partners with EHRC for electricity labour market modelling

May 14, 2023 | By Anthony Capkun

May 14, 2023 – In partnership with the Government of Alberta, Electricity Human Resources Canada is creating a new labour market data modelling tool to forecast workforce planning needs for the province’s electricity sector.

“The trifecta of surging electricity demand, rapid technology change in the industry, and the opportunity to build, diversify and create jobs during the post-pandemic recovery period all point to the need for a reliable and accurate forecasting tool to define workforce skills requirements,” says EHRC.

Research indicates that 30% of Alberta’s electricity generation will transition to renewable sources such as wind, hydro, and solar by 2030, says EHRC; this transition to low-carbon energy sources will have “a tremendous impact on Alberta’s labour market”.

“The electricity sector workforce must grow to meet transitioning and anticipated power demands, and adapt to new skill sets,” said Michelle Branigan, CEO, EHRC. “[When you] factor in high retirement rates, intense competition for talent, and long lead times for training for many high-expertise positions, the need for reliable workforce forecasting is an industry imperative.”


The primary goal of this project is to create a labour market forecasting tool that will enhance the ability of Alberta’s electricity sector to determine workforce supply and demand. This requires timely, reliable, and comprehensive labour market intelligence (LMI) to assess the ongoing and future workforce training requirements which are essential for talent planning and overall industry workforce stewardship.

A leader in labour market research and business intelligence, EHRC will engage industry stakeholders across Alberta to determine the key factors that affect labour supply, demand, and composition in the province. These considerations will be validated by a steering committee and shared in a key findings document.

“We are proud to support this important initiative led by Electricity Human Resources Canada to support Alberta’s electricity sector with the skills needed to power our economy and communities for decades to come,” said Brian Jean, minister, Jobs, Economy and Northern Development.

This project is being funded, in part, by the Government of Alberta through a Workforce Partnerships grant, where eligible organizations with common labour market needs can get funding for workforce initiatives.


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