Babcock & Wilcox Canada wins SaskPower Shand boiler contract
April 26, 2012 | By Anthony Capkun
April 26, 2012 – Babcock & Wilcox Canada Ltd. has been awarded a contract valued at more than $25 million from SaskPower to design and replace the upper frontwall and a portion of the reheater at the latter’s Shand Power Station near Estevan.
Shand features boiler technology originally designed and supplied by B&W Canada. This retrofit project is an integral part of the coal-fired station’s life extension.
“B&W is committed to executing this retrofit project in a safe, timely and efficient manner,” said J. Randall Data, Babcock & Wilcox Power Generation Group Inc. president and COO. “We’re pleased that SaskPower has chosen us and look forward to providing project support on this important pressure part retrofit at Shand Power Station.”
“Shand provides about 300 megawatts of baseload power to Saskatchewan,” said Robert Watson, SaskPower president and CEO. “As an integral part of our generating fleet, it’s critical that we make sure the station is operating at peak performance.”
The project is expected to be completed in June.
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