Electrical Business


BICSI helps spearhead green rating system for technology projects

October 18, 2011 | By Anthony Capkun

October 17, 2011 – BICSI, an association supporting the information technology systems (ITS) industry, announced its new affiliation as a founding member of The Sustainable Technology Environments Program (STEP) Foundation, which aims to complement USGBC’s Leadership in Energy & Envionmental Design (LEED) green building rating system by adding a rating system for the technology systems that work within the physical building.

“The STEP Foundation commends BICSI for taking a leadership role in promoting sustainability in the information technology systems industry,” said Allen Weidman, executive director of the STEP Foundation. “BICSI’s involvement advances our goal of buildings being green—not just when the structure is constructed, but when it is occupied and operational.”

Founded by InfoComm International and CompTIA, STEP is a coalition of technology associations seeking to define sustainability for the broadband and electronics industry. It was created by manufacturers, designers, integrators, programmers and the users of technology to guide project and building owners to implement practices that will produce economic benefits to their organization while preserving the planet. It fills the void not addressed by other green building rating systems and establishes a position alongside rating systems such as LEED and Energy Star. All associations participating in STEP will be able to promote sustainable practices to their members and their customers.

“BICSI is proud to be a member of The STEP Foundation,” said BICSI president Brian Hansen. “Green and sustainable is the way we should all be thinking—now and in the years to come. We are eager to help lay the foundation of this program, knowing that it is setting an important precedent for the ITS industry and our members.”


The STEP rating system will be a tool for owners and technology providers to plan for and implement sustainable practices in their technology projects. Successful projects will contribute to an organization’s sustainability goals and will be recognized by STEP. In addition, educational programs will be available based on the STEP rating system and documentation provided by The STEP Foundation.

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