Lighting & HVAC
Cooper Lighting Marquis LED roadway sign lighting
November 26, 2010 | By Craig Pearson
Cooper Lighting says its Marquis LED sign light is the first LED luminaire optimized for IESNA RP-19 Roadway Sign Lighting uniformity, providing a 4000K correlated colour temperature (CCT) with no sacrifice in lumen output or lighting performance. The Marquis can provide energy savings greater than 50%, boasts Cooper, when compared to standard HID-sourced fixtures. It is suitable for highway/roadway signs, commercial billboards, etc. Designed for both new construction and one-for-one upgrades of existing 250W or 400W metal halide fixtures, the Marquis consumes 140W and can illuminate a sign up to 16-ft tall with luminaire spacing up to 12 ft.
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