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Fluke Networks Network Time Machine hardware platform
September 17, 2010 | By Anthony Capkun
September 17, 2010
Fluke Networks unveiled its latest Network Time Machine (NTM) hardware platform: a forensics recorder for back-in-time analysis. Leveraging its application-centric analysis technology, NTM promises to help network engineers get to the heart of performance problems across all applications. With NTM’s data recorder, engineers can store data for days, weeks or months (depending on traffic load); the next step in performing network forensics is to analyze that data and, with NTM, engineers can review information to analyze past events and the traffic leading up to, or causing, specific problems. Fluke says that, unlike similar products on the market—where the analysis is focused on network-layer data—Network Time Machine focuses its analysis at the application layer. Suitable for both carriers and enterprise customers, the hardware platform supports a stream-to-disk rate up to full 10Gb/s.
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