Electrical Business


GALLERY – IEEE PCIC Conference Day 1 (Sept 2011), Toronto, Ont.

September 23, 2011 | By Alyssa Dalton

September 23, 2011 – This week, Toronto, Ont., hosted the 58th annual IEEE IAS PCIC (Petroleum and Chemical Industry Committee) Conference and EBMag was there as first-time attendees! The conference ran from September 19-22 and associate editor, Alyssa Dalton, was there reporting live for the duration, checking out different technical papers, and meeting with some old and new friends. In fact, she managed to gather so many photos from the conference that we had to break them up into three separate galleries! (Photos A. Dalton)

Click here for the Day 2 and Day 3 photo galleries.

This Day 1 gallery contains scenes from the Awards Luncheon, Siemen’s “Old Hollywood” social gathering event, and Eaton and Schneider Electric’s hospitality suites. Thanks again to everyone for being such good sports and letting EBMag snap your photo! (Photos A. Dalton)

CLICK HERE to read Alyssa’s consolidated tweets from the conference.

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