Ideal Industries has launched a promotional offer that allows you to purchase a Signaltek cable performance tester for $995 until June 30 from authorized distributors. This saves you about $300! To sweeten the deal, Ideal is throwing in a free Tracetone tone generator and amplifier probe for testing continuity and locating signals of installed wire and cable.
is designed for datacom installers, electrical contractors and the
IT/network manager to verify within seconds whether installed cabling
will support voice, data and video (VDV) applications via simple
Pass/Fail testing. It supports Bit Error Rate Testing (BERT), and
features an integrated time domain reflectometer (TDR) that measures
cable length and aides in finding faults, such as shorts, split pairs
and Opens. Signaltek can test various cables types, including
twisted-pair data, coax, telephone, security alarm and audio.
CLICK HERE to find the authorized distributor nearest you.
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