IEEE Begins PC57.154 and PC57.12.37a power transmission standards
May 26, 2009 | By Anthony Capkun
May 26, 2009
IEEE has approved work to begin on two new standards in the power transmission field. The first new project is IEEE PC57.154, “Standard for the Design, Testing and Application of Liquid-Immersed Distribution, Power and Regulating Transformers Using High-Temperature Insulation Systems and Operating at Elevated Temperatures.” This standard will provide specific requirements and guidance in the design, testing and application of the transformers incorporating high-temperature insulation systems or systems that use a combination of high-temperature and conventional insulation.
The second new project, IEEE PC57.12.37a, “IEEE Standard for the
Electronic Reporting of Distribution Transformer Test Data – Amendment:
Updating to Include Efficiency Fields”, will amend the existing
standard, updating the definition to conform to Department of Energy
(DoE, United States) efficiency levels.
IEEE has also approved a new revision to IEEE C57.12.23, “Standard for
Submersible Single-Phase Transformers: 167 kVA and Smaller; High
Voltage 25 000 V and Below; Low Voltage 600 V and Below”. The standard
covers electrical, dimensional and mechanical characteristics and
certain safety features of single-phase, 60Hz, liquid-immersed,
self-cooled, submersible distribution transformers.
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