Electrical Business

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Know any clever energy conservation kids on The Rock?

December 3, 2015 | By Anthony Capkun

December 3, 2015 – Teachers and students! TakeCharge has launched the 3rd annual Kids In Charge (KICStart) province-wide school contest that encourages participating students to express why they believe energy conservation is important, and to demonstrate what they do to save energy.

The contest has been expanded this year to include students of all grade levels (K-12), who are invited to submit entries in the form of a video, book, song, poster or other creative media that communicate energy savings. TakeCharge says the entries will be judged on appearance, creativity, accuracy of the message and effectiveness.

CLICK HERE to learn more about 2015’s winning entries.

As a class effort, K-6 classes are eligible to win 1 of 3 grand prizes of 5 iPads or multiple prizes of 2 iPads. Prizes will be awarded at the classroom level. Individual students or groups of up to four in grades 7-12 are eligible to win 1 of 3 grand prizes: 1 iPad for each group member, and 5 iPads for their schools.


VISIT the website for additional contest details.

Entries must be submitted by mail or email to your local utility (addresses below) by the following dates:

• K-6 teachers: from between now and January 29, 2016. Winners to be notified by phone and/or email on February 26, 2016.

• 7-12 students: from between now and April 15, 2016. Winners to be notified by phone and/or email on May 13, 2016.


K-I-C Start School Contest
Newfoundland & Labrador Hydro
c/o Elaine Cole
P.O. Box 12400
St. John’s, NL A1B 4K7
(709) 737-4648

K-I-C Start School Contest
Newfoundland Power
c/o TakeCharge
P.O. Box 8910
St. John’s, NL A1B 3P6
(709) 737-5251

TakeCharge is a joint partnership between Newfoundland & Labrador Hydro and Newfoundland Power.

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