NEMA DC 10 residential controls for electrical baseboard heaters
October 30, 2009 | By Anthony Capkun
The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) has published DC 10-2009, “Residential Controls: Temperature Limit Controls for Electrical Baseboard Heaters”, revising the 1983 version (which was reaffirmed in 1989 and 2003).
DC 10 defines the basic standards for rating, classification,
construction, testing and performance of temperature limit controls for
application on electric baseboard heaters. These controls or controls
systems—of either the automatic- or manual-reset type—are responsible
for disconnecting the electrical load when the heater reaches
abnormally high temperatures.
Revisions include the addition of metric units and updates to the voltage ratings and marking requirements.
“DC 10 was designed to promote direct interchangeability of temperature
limit controls for electrical baseboard heaters through industry
standardization, and assist users in selecting the proper controls for
a particular application,” said Tuong Nguyen, a member of the committee
working on the standard. “This new revision will be very helpful for
residential home builders and electrical contractors.”
CLICK HERE to download DC 10 at no charge, or CLICK HERE for IHS.
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