Qualified Electrical Inspectors NEEDED in State of New York
November 9, 2012 | By Anthony Capkun
November 9, 2012 – The International Association of Electrical Inspectors (IAEI) tells us the State of New York is in need of qualified electrical inspectors to assist in confirming it is safe to re-energize buildings that were damaged by Hurricane Sandy.
They are requesting that electrical inspectors with a minimum of five years of experience who are interested in helping should email their contact information to and put “New York Disaster Response” in the Subject line.
This response should include:
• Name
• Address
• Phone
• Brief outline of experience (IAEI inspector certification at the residential level is the preferred minimum)
Anyone available to assist will be contacted directly by a local jurisdiction within the State of New York, and those jurisdictions will enter into agreements with the inspectors regarding compensation and expenses.
Here is current code information for the area:
Adopted Code: 2008 National Electrical Code. As of December 2010, New York State has adopted the 2008 NEC for both residential and non-residential construction.
Adoption type: State-wide. All local jurisdictions, with the exception of New York City, are required to adopt and enforce the code. New York City has its own code.
* Note that volunteers do not represent IAEI, and IAEI does not represent any jurisdiction or entity that is requesting assistance.
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