Electrical Business

Features Energy & Power Renewables

23MW Morse wind farm nearly complete and ready to interconnect

March 11, 2015 | By Anthony Capkun

March 11, 2015 – SaskPower reports it is ready to connect 23 new megawatts of wind power to the grid after completing a 14-km transmission line and a new substation in southwest Saskatchewan.

‟The Morse wind farm is nearing completion and we expect to interconnect and supply wind power to the Saskatchewan grid by the end of March,” said project manager Steve Hitchinson of Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp.

The completion of the powerline near Morse means the utility is ready to deliver power from Algonquin when the company’s independent wind power project is completed in the next several weeks.

‟The Morse project adds to the 25% of Saskatchewan’s power production that already comes from renewable sources,” said Guy Bruce, SaskPower’s vice-president, Resource Planning. “As our system grows, that amount will increase. By 2020, we forecast that 10 % of our capacity will be from wind, and we are working to make that number go even higher.”

Future initiatives include the Chaplin wind project, says SaskPower, which will add more than 175 MW of wind power to the grid.

Photo courtesy SaskPower

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