Electrical Business

Features Safety Safety News

After taking its first steps, ESFi-Canada breaks into a run

April 25, 2013 | By Anthony Capkun

April 25, 2013 – In 2012, more than 60 industry and electrical safety stakeholders participated in ESFi-Canada’s inaugural Safety Summit to identify concerns presenting the greatest risk to public electrical safety.

Feedback from the summit is the driving force for ESFi-Canada’s 2013-2014 planned activities. For example, ESFi-Canada has:

1. Improved public access to electrical safety information and tips where they live, work and play with a new website at www.esfi.ca.

2. Created a public relations initiative for May 2013 (National Electrical Safety Month) encouraging homeowners to:
– include important electrical product safety steps in their spring cleaning plans;
– share electrical safety steps in childproofing for the summer vacation;
– identify and address basic electrical hazards in their homes.

3. Initiated plans to develop a consumer initiative to increase awareness of counterfeit and unsafe electrical products, and how to avoid them.

4. Committed to work with stakeholders to electrical safety work practices.

5. Arranged ESFi’s 2013 Safety Summit: RESERVE October 28… more information to come.

“We depend on your involvement and participation to support the evolution of a national electrical safety effort that can reduce electrically related deaths, injuries and property loss,” says ESFi-Canada executive director Cathy Chernysh.

To join this national electrical safety effort, or to sponsor an ESFi-Canada initiative to advance your organization’s safety goals and objectives, visit www.esfi.ca/join-us. Meantime, email info@esfi.ca to participate as an advisor (providing feedback support for the development of the 2013-2014 Consumer or Worker safety initiatives).

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