Electrical Business


BICSI celebrates 25 years of the RCDD

November 10, 2008 | By Alyssa Dalton

Starting with its January conference in Orlando, Fla., BICSI will begin a year-long celebration highlighting the Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD). Some of the very first RCDDs—who are still active members—will join in the events to reflect on the past and share their experiences, says BICSI. In addition, newly credentialed RCDDs will offer their insight on the industry as it continues to evolve and advance in this technological age.

RCDD program is a designation for individuals who demonstrate expertise
in the design, integration and implementation of information transport
systems (voice, data, video, audio, etc.) and their related
infrastructure components. CLICK HERE for more information about the
RCDD program and the 2009 BICSI Winter Conference.

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