Electrical Business


Call for Sponsors for Electricity Sector Council Aboriginal Youth Camp in Labrador

April 21, 2012 | By Anthony Capkun

April 20, 2012 – The Electricity Sector Council (ESC) has passed along a Call for Sponsors for its Bright Futures Aboriginal Youth Camp in August, 2012, in Nain, Newfoundland & Labrador.

To-date, ESA’s Bright Futures Aboriginal Youth Camp Program has reached over 120 youth in six communities. Through hands-on activities and experiments, the camp “inspires an interest in math and science, conveys the importance of staying in school, and introduces a potential future workforce to some of the career opportunities in the electricity and renewable energy industry”.

With a camp already scheduled for July 16-20 in Agassiz, B.C., ESC has partnered with the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami to deliver a camp in Nain in August 2012. As such, the organization is seeking sponsorship from industry to deliver its first East Coast camp.

Multiple sponsorship opportunities are available:

• Champion Star Level – $20,000 (one)
• Platinum Star Level – $15,000 (two)
• Gold Star Level – $10,000
• Silver Star Level – $5000
• Bronze Star Level – $2500
• In-Kind Level

The Call for Sponsorship closes May 18, 2012.

For a sponsor registration form or more information, contact Kevin Joseph at joseph@brightfutures.ca

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