Electrical Business

Products Fire & Signalling

Grace GEM remote – sole employee monitor

April 29, 2010 | By Anthony Capkun

The Grace Employee Monitor (GEM) from Grace Industries aims to solve the problem of employees working alone or in a remote area who may be rendered unconscious or incapacitated and have no way to call for help. GEM employs a small battery-operated transmitting alarm unit that is worn by the employee; this device detects lack of motion so that, should a worker stop moving for up to 120 seconds (30-60-90-120), he is given a pre-alert for eight seconds, then the alarm device emits a 95 db audio alarm and sends a radio signal back to the receiver (up to 3/4 mi. line of sight). Use of a remote antenna and repeaters will allow the unit to cover any size of facility.


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