Electrical Business


Nova Scotia awards Black and McDonald Limited a nearly $3.2M contract to convert select high pressure sodium lights into LEDs

February 25, 2011 | By Alyssa Dalton

February 25, 2011

Nova Scotia says it will soon be conserving more energy, saving money and reducing greenhouse gas by using LED lights to illuminate roads. The province has awarded Black and McDonald Limited a $3,199,500 contract to convert another 2500 high pressure sodium (HPS) lights throughout the province to LED lights.

“With this substantial investment, we are moving to a more sustainable way of lighting our highways,” said Bill Estabrooks, Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal minister. “As one of the first provinces to undertake such a large scale conversion of highway lights, Nova Scotia is a leader when it comes to using green technology and supporting local innovative companies.”

“The ability to use locally manufactured lighting products provides additional benefits to many Nova Scotia workers and their families and the goals of this project align with our corporate environmental initiatives and philosophy,” added division manager, Donald Hiltz.

The LED fixtures will be manufactured and supplied by Amherst-based LED Roadway Lighting Limited.

“The fixtures supplied by LED Roadway Lighting (LRL) will deliver substantial energy savings and significantly reduce maintenance costs, as well as provide improved illumination on highways,” said company CEO, Chuck Cartmill. “Clients worldwide are embracing our robust technology. At present, LRL has more than 250 municipal and utility installations in 10 countries. This project will be a great showcase for our technology to the global audience and other departments of highways.”

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