Electrical Business


PTDA Business Index 2Q-2012 indicates continued expansion but slower pace

August 15, 2012 | By Anthony Capkun

August 15, 2012 – The PTDA (Power Transmission Distributors Association) Business Index indicates 2Q-2012 was the 9th consecutive quarter for business growth among PTDA members, with a reading of 54.2. Compared with a reading of 75.4 for 1Q2012, the recently released Q2 results indicate the power transmission/motion control industry is still expanding, but at a slower pace. Both distributors and manufacturers reported decelerated sales growth in 2Q12.

(N.B. The index reading indicates the rate of change compared with the previous period. For example, a reading of 50 indicates no change from the prior period while readings above 50 indicate growth, and below 50 indicate contraction. The further the index is above or below 50 suggests a faster or slower rate of change.)

The table provides an overview of the results from the 2Q-2012 index and a comparison with 1Q-2012. PTDA members participating in the Business Index expect 2012 to be another year of sales growth with an average forecast of 8%, down from 11% in the 1Q-2012 survey.

The PTDA Business Index full report is available through PTDA’s website at www.ptda.org/BusinessIndex. It includes Canadian and U.S. breakout data, as well as historical data.

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