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CCA “Talent Fits Here” campaign aims to attract next gen to construction

October 12, 2020 | By Anthony Capkun

Mike Murage, one of the storytellers in CCA’s campaign “Talent Fits Here”. Courtesy CCA.

October 12, 2020 – “For the first time in decades, the [construction] industry has more projects than people,” says Mary Van Buren, president of the Canadian Construction Association. “And our industry is not alone; there is competition for talent across sectors due to shifting demographics and baby boomer retirements, and it is fierce.”

That’s why CCA launched Talent Fits Here, a campaign designed to encourage more Canadians to consider a career in construction.

Talent Fits Here is a national public awareness campaign designed to shift some of the traditional perceptions around working in construction by showcasing a collection of stories and experiences from real people working in different roles, on different projects, and from different backgrounds—all within the diverse field of construction.

Among those storytellers is Mike Murage, who moved from Kenya to study civil engineering at the University of Waterloo, and is now a field coordinator with PCL Construction.

“I think it’s an industry that welcomes anyone who has good ambition and self-discipline,” says Murage. “If you appreciate challenges, and you like working with people, I’d say the construction industry is for you.”

“One significant opportunity we have identified is for individuals from traditionally under-represented segments, such as women, youth, Indigenous and new Canadians, to view working in the industry as a career of first choice, including those who graduate from science, technology, engineering and math programs,” says Van Buren.

While conceived prior to the pandemic, CCA feels the Talent Fits Here campaign is now even more meaningful “as our industry is positioned to absorb some of those who have been displaced from harder-hit sectors”.

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