Electrical Business

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EHRC to up support for those with disabilities in electrical industry

July 15, 2016 | By Renée Francoeur

July 15, 2016 – In partnership with the Ontario government, the Electricity Human Resources Canada (EHRC) has launched a new project to ensure people with disabilities have equal access when it comes to working in the electricity industry.

The project, EnAbling Change: From Disability to Inclusion, will increase employee and employer understanding to comply with legislative requirements (Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 – AODA) and its Accessibility Standards. The project will also help to create national awareness within the electricity industry that hiring people with disabilities is “not only socially responsible, but good for business, increasing employee morale, productivity, innovation, profitability and the ability to retain talent”.

“Our industry has identified the need for diversity in its workforce, including the increased representation of those with disabilities—both visible and invisible—as well as supports for those who experience a disability while employed,” said Michelle Branigan, CEO of EHRC.

Industry partners on this initiative include: Horizon Utilities, Powerstream, Ontario Power Generation, New Brunswick Community College, Burlington Hydro, Newfoundland Power, the Society of Energy Professionals, LiveWorkPlay, and the Mental Health Commission of Canada.

EHRC says it will be developing and promoting a variety of tools and information resources that can be used by industry employers to hire, advance, train and retain people with disabilities to meet current and future staffing needs. The project will also highlight best practices in policy development and a knowledge portal will be hosted on the EHRC website.

In addition, EHRC will be conducting an industry roundtable on the topic.

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