Safety News
New anti-counterfeiting legislation good for Canadian economy says CME
March 1, 2013 | By Anthony Capkun
March 1, 2013 – Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME) is applauding new legislation introduced today in the House of Commons aimed at cracking down on counterfeit goods.
CME says the bill will provide RCMP and customs officials the authority to intercept, search and seize counterfeit shipments, as well as other products that may infringe on copyright or trademarks. It will also establish criminal provisions for infringement of copyright or trademarks when products are purposed for commercial use.
“This has been a longstanding priority issue for manufacturers,” said CME president & CEO, Jayson Myers. “Counterfeit goods entering Canada punish legitimate businesses. They are a drain on our economy and on jobs, and they put the health, safety and environment of every Canadian at risk.”
Under the new rules, intellectual property (IP) rights-holders will be able to contact border officials to request a search for suspect goods. Border authorities, meantime, will be allowed to contact IP holders when suspect goods are intercepted.
CME says the bill, which covers only commercial shipments, will bring Canada into compliance with international obligations under the Anti-Counterfeit Trade Agreement (ACTA), signed last year.
“We congratulate the government on taking action to improve the business conditions for companies investing and creating jobs right here in our communities,” said Myers. “We look forward to working alongside policymakers to ensure this legislation is implemented in a way that aligns with the needs of industry, and supports the growth of manufacturers.”
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