Electrical Business


Registered apprenticeship training programs 2007

July 19, 2009 | By Anthony Capkun

358,555 people were registered in apprenticeship training programs in 2007, StatsCan reports, up 9.3% from 2006 and more than double the level in 1997.

The fastest growth occurred in metal fabricating trades, where
registrations increased 11.5% from 2006, and in the electrical and
electronics field, where they rose 10.2%. These two fields, along with
the building construction and motor vehicle and heavy equipment trades
groups, accounted for 80% of total registrations in 2007.

Women represented about 1 in every 10 apprentices. Of the 38,070 women
registered in apprenticeship programs in 2007, about 55% were in the
food and services trades. In contrast, just over 1% were registered in
the industrial and mechanical trades group.

Nationally, 24,495 people completed their apprenticeship training in
2007, up 17.5% from 2006, the fastest rate of growth during the last 10
years. About 2780, or 11%, were women.

The metal fabricating and motor vehicle and heavy equipment trades
groups recorded just over 5300 completions each, the highest of all
groups. In 1997, almost 91% of women who had completed their training
did so in the food and services trade group. By 2007, this proportion
had decreased to 77%.

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