Electrical Business

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Stop calling in sick… wind turbine noise isn’t killing you

November 7, 2014 | By Anthony Capkun

November 6, 2014 – Today, Health Canada published findings from the Wind Turbine Noise & Health Study, which was prompted by “questions from residents living near wind farms about possible health effects of low-frequency noise generated by wind turbines”, and the bottom line is… well, not so much.

EBMag informed you about the study’s launch in July 2012. In collaboration with Statistics Canada, the study explored the relationship between exposure to wind turbine noise and the health effects reported by, and measured in, people living near wind turbines.

Today’s findings show no evidence to support a link between exposure to wind turbine noise and any of the self-reported or measured health endpoints examined.

“Based on the summary, the Health Canada study is an important new addition to scientific research on wind turbines and human health,” said Robert Hornung, president of the Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA). “The balance of scientific evidence to date continues to show that properly sited wind turbines are not harmful to human health, and that wind energy remains one of the safest and environmentally friendly forms of electricity generation.”

The study did demonstrate, however, a relationship between increasing levels of wind turbine noise and annoyance toward several features (including noise, vibration, shadow flicker and the aircraft warning lights on top of the turbines) associated with wind turbines.

It is important to note, says Health Canada, that the findings from this study do not provide definitive answers on their own, and must be considered in the context of a broader evidence base.

Photo courtesy CanWEA

* PDF downloads below include:

• The study’s experts
• Brochure of results
• Summary of results

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