Electrical Business


Cerco wants to send you on a Habs Weekend Getaway

May 22, 2008 | By Alyssa Dalton

To celebrate its 30th anniversary and thank its loyal customers, Cerco Cable is holding a special Grand Prize draw for a weekend getaway to Montreal that includes a pair of tickets to see the Canadiens next season.

“With the Montreal Canadiens centennial approaching in 2009, the timing is perfect for Cerco Cable to celebrate our 30th anniversary by expressing our gratitude and appreciation for the confidence our customers have shown us over the years,” said company president Daniel Gauthier.

grand prize is two prestige tickets—four rows from the ice—to see the
Habs at the Bell Centre plus two nights hotel accommodation in downtown
Montreal. The contest is open to all Cerco customers who place an order
of $100 or more between January 1 and December 1 (which is when the
draw occurs). You are automatically entered into the draw each time you
place an order.

in 1978, Cerco is a Canadian-based team specializing in building
automation and controls, data/telecom, alarm and security, and
broadcasting, as well as a variety of OEM applications. CLICK HERE for
more information about the weekend getaway.

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