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Closing quickly! Electrical Safety Workshop 2015 Call for Presenters

March 24, 2014 | By Anthony Capkun

March 24, 2014 – You’d better hurry, as the Call for Presenters for the 2015 IEEE IAS Electrical Safety Workshop closes April 1, 2014. Take a moment to consider contributing your knowledge, talent and leadership to the workshop—being held January 26-30 in Louisville, Ky.—where everyone is a ‘participant’ rather than an ‘attendee’. Here’s how…

Technical papers
Present an original, previously unpublished technical paper. Content is presented either in the general sessions of the workshop (traditional 45-minute presentation or 15-minute case study), or as a one-on-one interactive presentation in the concurrent session (poster-style). Regardless of presentation format, all papers are peer reviewed, published in the conference record and may be selected for further publishing in IEEE journals.

Many workshop participants are interested in delving deeper into a particular facet of electrical safety, such as arc flash analysis, training the non-electrical worker, bonding and grounding, etc. Share your 3- to 4-hour technical tutorial focused on a specific aspect of electrical safety.

ESW organizers invite you to be a leader in the electrical safety community by sharing your knowledge, research and lessons learned, and to be a part of changing the electrical safety culture.


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