Electrical Business

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Colin Clark appointed to Standards Council of Canada governing council

February 18, 2014 | By Anthony Capkun

February 18, 2014 – Colin Clark, chief technical officer of Brookfield Renewable Energy Group, has been appointed to the Standards Council of Canada’s (SCC) governing council for a term of four years.

“Mr. Clark has significant experience leading organizations both within Canada and at the international level,” said Kathy Milsom, chair of SCC’s governing council. “His expertise in renewable energy, especially with his global perspective, is going to be a tremendous asset in advancing Canadian standardization priorities.”

Clark provides leadership of all engineering and technical aspects of the generation, transmission and distribution businesses of Brookfield. He was formerly senior vice-president, operations of Brookfield Power (Brascan Power), and president & CEO of Great Lakes Power Ltd. and Lake Superior Power.

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