Electrical Business

Business News

Invitation! National HR strategy for electricity-related renewable energy

May 15, 2013 | By Anthony Capkun

May 15, 2013 – Electricity Human Resources Canada (EHRC) says a skilled workforce is needed to support the expansion of Canada’s electricity-related renewable energy industry.

Through the Renewing Futures initiative, EHRC has undertaken a research effort to gather information on HR management, post-secondary training and labour markets for this industry. Findings bring together stakeholder interviews, an employer survey, a technology review and a new labour market model.

The proposed national human resources strategy has been developed to provide the provinces and industry stakeholders with the information they need for deploying resources to meet labour requirements and avoid skill shortages. Key elements of the strategy include:

• A shared view on the pace of investment in new installed capacity for electricity-related renewable energy in all sectors.
• An assessment of competing demands and labour markets that may limit the workforce.
• A plan for filling labour markets gaps related to existing skill shortages with needed training and certification.
• A plan for more efficient recruiting based on enhanced labour mobility across sectors and provinces.
• Consensus across provinces and electricity-related renewable energy sectors around priorities and practical actions in support of HR planning for policy and industry strategies.

Each province has a distinct profile for the labour force and electricity generation capacity, says EHRC; as such, the group invites you to a Regional Engagement session to discuss the research findings from Renewing Futures, as well as the proposed National Human Resources strategy.

Participants will include:

• Employers
• Government policy advisors and utility planners
• Training institutions
• Industry associations
• Union leaders

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