Electrical Business

Features Energy & Power Generation

OPG investing $122 million into 900MW Darlington Unit 4

April 13, 2016 | By Anthony Capkun

Darlington Nuclear Generating Station, courtesy OPG.

April 13, 2016 – After removing it from service April 8, Ontario Power Generation (OPG) has commenced a $122-million planned maintenance and inspection outage on the 900MW Darlington Nuclear Unit 4.

“This work will ensure that our nuclear units are ready to deliver the power Ontarians need during the summer when electricity demand is high,” said Brian Duncan, SVP Darlington Nuclear. “Our units at Darlington provide about 20% of the province’s electricity every day.”

OPG announced a $12.8-billion investment for Darlington back in January. The refurbishment of the first of four units will begin in October. OPG adds the refurbished generating station will provide 30+ years of power.

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