Electrical Business


Skills Canada welcomes CAPP as a 2013 National Competition presenting sponsor

November 15, 2012 | By Anthony Capkun

November 15, 2012 – Skills/Compétences Canada (S/CC)—a not-for-profit organization that promotes careers in skilled trades and technologies—says the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP) has signed on as a Presenting Sponsor of the 2013 Skills Canada National Competition.

From June 5-8, 2013, Canada’s best skilled trade and technology students—along with industry, government and educators—will gather in Vancouver, B.C., where more than 500 students are expected to participate. The event will feature at least 40 skilled trade competitions ranging from carpentry and mobile robotics to welding, aircraft maintenance and fashion design.

“Our member companies are facing new and emerging challenges resulting from the growing shortage of skilled workers,” said Travis Davies, CAPP spokesperson. “We need to work with other industry leaders and organizations such as Skills Canada to attract more young Canadians into the skilled trades and provide more employment-based training opportunities. Supporting the 2013 Skills Canada National Competition is an important event to help bring this critical issue to the forefront.”

With $61-billion in capital investment by the oil & gas industry forecast for 2012 and significant production growth expected over the next decade, Skills Canada insists one of industry’s fundamental challenges is a lack of skilled workers.

The Canadian oil & gas industry currently supports about 550,000 direct and indirect jobs across Canada, says S/CC, encompassing both professionals and skilled trades of all types. As a result of new oil sands investments, employment in Canada is expected to grow from 75,000 jobs in 2010 to 905,000 jobs by 2035, says S/CC, including about 126,000 jobs sourced in provinces other than Alberta.

“Industry and labour groups have become more proactive than ever in raising awareness of the many job opportunities available in the skilled trades. Organizations like CAPP have discovered the value in engaging with industry associations, educators and government to generate interest and gain the inside track on finding the brightest and the best skilled tradespersons,” said Shaun Thorson, CEO of S/CC. “Events such as our National Competition play a pivotal role in bringing talent and industry leaders together.”

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