Electrical Business

Features Blog

A note about BlueBook deadlines and listings

December 6, 2015 | By Anthony Capkun

December 6, 2015 – Leading up to our January edition, we start posting reminders to update your BlueBook listing before it’s too late. Yet the BlueBook exists online all the time, so what gives?

When we announce a deadline for BlueBook listings, we refer to all the information that will be pulled from our online database to be printed in January edition. At some point, we cut off any new information that’s added to the online database to make our printer deadline.

So while you can update your listing at any time, the new information may not make it into the printed section that appears in our January edition.

Once approved, your listing will appear online right away. If approved, it will then also appear in the following year’s January edition.

That’s the nature of anything that’s printed… once printed, any information becomes dated, which is why we ask you to continually keep your details updated so they are as current as possible for print.

Finally, the BlueBook directory contains listings for electrical contractors and installers, not of electrical contractors and installers.

So we list manufacturers, distributors and sales agents who serve electrical installers. We also list associations and service providers we feel are of use to the electrical contracting and maintenance communities. We do not list electrical contractors themselves.

This is why electrical contractors who have tried to create a listing have had their listings rejected.

Remember, the BlueBook is for you… not about you.

If at any time you have any questions about the BlueBook or need help with your listing, etc., drop me a line at acapkun@annexweb.com .

— Anthony Capkun, Editor

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