Electrical Business


Register your 2010 Hungry for Change event TODAY

September 1, 2010 | By Anthony Capkun

mt_ignoreIt’s that time of year again: back to school, and one month closer to World Food Day October 16. “As our children head off to the great halls of academia with new clothes, books and full bellies, there are millions more children around the world that will go to school hungry every day,” Hungry for Change (HFC) reminds us. As such, HFC invites you to level the playing field for these children…


Registration is simple and quick. Set up your own personalized
fundraising page, then tell your colleagues, suppliers, manufactures,
friends and family that you are hungry for change!

The warm weather is still with us; now is the time to hold special
events like BBQs, volleyball tournaments, hike-athons, campfire socials
and corn roasts. Each event you host and every penny you raise helps
provide healthy breakfasts, lunches and snacks for children—the most
basic tools they need to succeed.

Together, Canada’s Electrical Industry can make a world of difference.
It was our industry effort that helped provide food and water for 200
children at the House of Hope orphanage after the devastating earthquake
in Haiti. That’s real life-saving impact!

Our 2010 goal is to exceed last year’s accomplishment. Last year, over
350 companies and branches participated in this campaign, raising
$340,000! Let’s work together to top last year’s accomplishment and put
nourishment in front of even more hungry school children in Canada and
around the world.

So rally the troops, make your donation or plan your event today, and help Hungry for Change feed children!

to visit Hungry for Change.

to see what others have already done this year.

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